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1 - Internal M&S VHS Videos

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&more card 'That's Amore' television advert, followed by interview with David Beckham about his DB07 childrenswear range with footage of photoshoot in Madrid for the range. Duration: 4m 12s


Customer relations training. Uses Chelmsford shop floor and Hayes distribution centre staff to emphasise a new stock ordering system. Start of using general multi-user warehouse system (MUWS). Links to store level and then department level via a hand held terminal, which can also be used to increase and reduce orders. The terminal uploads data and transfers it back to the store, and then the distribution centre. Produced by WSTV. 2 copies. Running Time: 13mins 14 sec


Introduction to M&S values and market position. Brief history of M&S. Description of M&S community work and good human relations. Mentions British suppliers, financial services and international stores. Duration: 0:07:17


Footage of shop floors, financial services and international stores. Narrated in Japanese Produced by M&S Public Affairs department. Duration: 0:07:17


This film is a training video for M&S bra advisors. The introduction discusses the invention of stretch fabrics which revolutionised style, control and comfort. Modern active lifestyles demand freedom of movement as well as comfort. The film shows footage of women with different jobs and lifestyles, and states that women need a bra for every occasion. Talks about importance of wearing right size bra with seven out of ten women wearing incorrect size. Bra fitters have a vital role to play, as a well-fitting bra gives the wearer freedom and confidence. The film also discusses the benefits for the business of selling the right bra first time - fewer returns means greater profits. Shows different scenarios of women attending Thurrock store to be measured over their clothes on the shop floor. It goes on to explain how measurements are taken. The first measurement is under the bust. If an odd number, 5" is added to determine bra size, and if an even number 4" is added. The second measurement is over the bust and the difference between these measurements will determine the cup size. Film then shows several different styles of bra including sports bras, and several customer scenarios where the bra fitter can advise. Duration 16m 41s


Summarises M&S community involvement and M&S colleagues seconded to community projects. Begins with youth training and job creation focused on issues in Brixton. M&S colleagues taking part Working Coaches and ‘Transition to Working Life’ schemes. Footage from Fullemploy course and discussion of its impact. Footage of training placements in stores. Accounts of M&S colleagues who had taken part in secondments, and young people’s experience of the scheme. Also concerns supporting start-up small businesses (particularly in the Leeds area) and supporting charities such as DEMAND Design & Manufacture for Disability. Interview with David Sieff and various other M&S colleagues. Produced for M&S by the Simmons Consultancy with Illustra Films. Duration 0:25:12 2 copies

22 Apr 1982

Summarises M&S community involvement and M&S colleagues seconded to community projects. Begins with youth training and job creation focused on issues in Brixton. M&S colleagues taking part Working Coaches and ‘Transition to Working Life’ schemes. Footage from Fullemploy course and discussion of its impact. Footage of training placements in stores. Accounts of M&S colleagues who had taken part in secondments, and young people’s experience of the scheme. Also concerns supporting start-up small businesses (particularly in the Leeds area) and supporting charities such as DEMAND Design & Manufacture for Disability. Interview with David Sieff and various other M&S colleagues Produced for M&S by the Simmons Consultancy with Illustra Films. Duration 0:25:12


Footage of a female manager's account of a typical day managing a team in-store. Produced by Kaisen, possibly as part of a series on performance management. (2 copies). Duration: 7m 31s


Video on internal theft based on crimes committed by M&S employees. Begins with voiceover describing crimes. Next clip is of a courtroom where the employee is charged. Three employee's theft stories with M&S are then described with interviews and footage to show the consequences of staff theft. One of the actors then writes a letter to the store apologising and advising other staff to think twice. Running Time: 27m


Young people being trained for work in M&S. Interviews with young people on work experience. Exercise in which they design their own business. Week-long training in first aid, literacy and at an outdoor activity centre. Interview with store manager about the Youth Training Scheme. Trainees spend one day a week at another company. Running Time: 17m 50s


Review of M&S Financial Services, 10 years on from the launch of the Chargecard. Duration: 12m 01s.


Training video on how to effectively sell suits. Running Time: 19m 44s

26 Aug 1992

Film concerning a promotion of Scottish products in German stores. Music soundtrack throughout. Running Time: 0:07:48


Sally Greenwood introduces and narrates video of various clips of stores and discusses growth. Sir Richard Greenbury discusses growth. Store expansion is shown following acquisition of Littlewoods stores and Bluewater Shopping Centre development. Clips of new deli counters and interviews with staff who visited delicatessens in the United States. Interview with Fiona Rose on community outreach. Greenbury discusses supplier relationship. Clips of international suppliers in Kenya and discussion of employee welfare and hygiene standards. Video of new products and services. Recycling schemes are discussed. Greenbury discusses giving back to the community. Discusses development of German stores and staff training in Germany. Video of customers trying on and staff presenting new products while Greenbury discusses product development. Video shows new machine wash and dry wool products and development of Bromley store. The Children's Promise video begins with various clips of children discussing the new millennium. Ed Williams, M&S Millennium Manager discusses marking the millennium by becoming part of the UK's national Millennium program. Williams discusses working with several children's charities. Various children's charities state their goals and how the Children's Promise scheme will help. Running Time: 27m (2 copies)


Video. Marks & Spencer. "Amore" Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R. 40 seconds.

25 May 2004

Internal video for store colleagues, introduced by Tony Davies, Executive for Accessories Group, who explains the background to the Accessories group’s priorities and market share. Video of ladies’ shoes, slippers, jewellery, handbags, scarves, gift sets, leather goods, patterned tights, slipper socks, trainer socks, toiletry gift sets, Woodspice, Isis fragrances and Classics cosmetics (no narration). Duration: 0:06:39 2 copies


Internal video for store colleagues, introduced by Tony Davies, Executive for Accessories Group, who explains the background to the Accessories group’s priorities and market share. Followed by a summary from each Accessory department of their Autumn and Christmas trading objectives. Filmed in Eltham store with Luton display configurations. Focus on product knowledge and training and layout of the departments, the resources required and predicted sales uplift. Key messages and products for each department. Toiletry ranges focus on Magnolia (including Novelty bath soap dish and pot pourri), Florentyna and Royal Jelly. Fragrance Bar includes Isis, Woodspice, and Elephant Soap Dish. Jewellery includes watches and occasionwear jewellery. Accessories include scarf gift sets, leather gifts, 100% silk scarves and luggage. Hosiery includes slipper socks, ‘cosmetic look’ tights including Italian Collection, Zokke and Reflections. Footwear includes slippers, day to eveningwear, and extra footage for trying on. Duration 0:18:06

Autumn 1996

Informative video about the new merchandise available for Christmas. Running Time: 33m 48s

Nov 1996

Marks & Spencer fashion show - the St Michael Autumn/Winter Wardrobe 1983. The scene is of a room with two levels, both with a platform and pole in the centre. The lower level has chairs around its perimeter, with people sat in them. The models move between the two levels and the different platforms. Nightwear - items include pink pyjamas, patterned night, shirts white lacy nightgowns/ night shirts/pyjamas (models holding white flowers), unisex white robes, pyjama playsuits. Underwear - bras and knickers, suspenders, slips. Clothing/formal - skirt suits, high waisted trousers and shirts, fascinator hats, dresses with matching jackets. A lot of silky material. Clothing/casual - winter wear of matching trousers and jumpers/jackets accessorised with matching hats and scarves. Woollen chequered coats, long skirts, scarves. A more rebellious look - body warmers, chains, navy style (?) hats. Statement hats and belts, legwarmers. A lot of masculine shapes. Greens and purples, greys and reds, blues and browns, blacks and reds. Menswear - just used to accentuate the women's fashion. Examples include khaki trousers and jackets with burgundy patterned jumpers, dark greens and cream jumpers. A Carlton Television Production. Running Time: 25min 10s

26 Jul 1983

Fashion show begins with women modelling winter coats and winter clothing to music. Women then model brightly coloured blazers, jumpers, skirts and jumper dresses to the song 'It May Be Winter Outside (But in My Heart It's Spring)' by Love Unlimited. Women then model workwear such as blazers and skirts. Women model casualwear including bright and patterned jumpers. Women then model leather jackets, denim jackets and jeans. More winter clothing such as jumpers and leggings, dresses, and coats are then modelled. Brightly coloured, thick winter outerwear/skiwear is then modelled. Formal dresses and outfits are then modelled, including shoulder-padded clothing. Running Time: 25m


Begins with screen describing the event which is named 'Marks and Spencer Charity Fashion Spectacular'. Mike Mandel (?) opens the fashion show and commentates throughout. Fashion show begins with womenswear casual clothing. 'New Beginning' by Bucks Fizz plays as models in casualwear perform a dance. Mandel then presents the next show of stretch underwear and thermal-wear. 'Goodness Gracious Me' by Peter Sellers and Sophia Loren plays. Women in the new underwear line dance with a man dressed as a doctor. Mandel then presents easy-wear dresses and shoes from the St Michael range. Women emerge from behind a screen in dresses before dancing to an instrumental version of 'Drive' by The Cars. Men emerge in suits and demonstrate them with the women. Mandel presents more casual menswear. 'Let's Hear It for the Boy" by Deniece Williams plays and women dressed as cheerleaders come out and dance. The men then emerge in casualwear and dance. Mandel then presents check and wool clothing. Women and men dance to music. Mandel presents luxury ladies lingerie. A recording of the song 'Dreamgirls' plays while women dance. Mandel presents winter coats and leatherwear. Women and men dance in coats to music. Mandel presents childrenswear for ages 3-8. Women model adult sizes of the childrenswear, dancing to the song 'It's 'Orrible Being in Love (When You're 8½)' by Claire and Friends. Mandel presents formal blouses and jewellery. Women come out and dance to the 'Gremlins' film theme song, men join them in suits. Mandel presents more formalwear for men. Men come out in suits and wool coats dancing to the song 'Style' by Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Bing Crosby. Mandel advertises the M&S Chargecard and then presents denim. Women and men wearing denim dance to 'Footloose' by Kenny Loggins. Mandel then presents the home furnishings department. Women and men come out in costumes made from materials from the home furnishings department. They dance to various Broadway musical songs from musicals such as 'The King and I', 'Oklahoma' and 'The Wizard of Oz'. Mandel presents more formalwear. Women emerge from behind screen and dance to 'Pull Up to the Bumper' by Grace Jones, men soon joining them. Mandel presents casual winter coats and winter clothing. Women come out in winter clothing dancing to the song 'Venus' by Bananarama, with men joining them. Mandel discusses furniture and then presents ski-wear. Men and women come out in ski-wear and dance to 'When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going' by Billy Ocean. Mandel then presents luxury nightwear. Women holding candles dance. Mandel presents baby and toddler clothing. Adult models come out dressed in adult sizes of baby clothing and dance to the song 'Following the Leader' from the 1953 film 'Peter Pan'. Mandel thanks the audience and several others before presenting the final scene. Women in dresses and men in suits dance to music. The credits then roll. Running Time: 1hr 20m


Training film presented by Alison Keenan from the Bath store shop floor. Bath was selected as it has the model lay out for Division 5. The main focus is visual merchandising, looking at five key principles; Value; Range simplification; cohesive fashionable ranges; consistent layout; use of equipment; and promotional equipment. The video also mentions the first use of show cards to help signpost departments and the focus was helping customers put together a cohesive fashionable look using multi department displays in colour promotions. Includes equipment pieces such as the Luton with the Luton mk2 soon to be rolled out. Each store was to use the 'look of autumn' brochure, log book and other publications to help determine the displays and promotions which will work best for their customer base. 14 stores had the autumn display out since August across the UK and Europe, these were the model stores which would help showcase best practice and all stores were to have the opportunity to visit one in their division. The film teaches each store to concentrate on their strengths, sales circles should be introduced if they do not contradict the main layout. It also discusses using bold displays to tempt customers from walkways. Other display eqiuipment included legs, full and half dressables, bust forms and mannequins. Forward and side-on displays with other points of interest were also in use. Running Time: 8 min 46 secs, starts at 1 min 20secs


Training film on best practice use of sales floor display equipment. Produced for the Sale Floor Equipment Department by the Training and Development Department. Duration: 7m 46s


Staff training video about cheque card fraud. Shows different scenarios of how fraud is committed. Talks about 'ALERT' system. A - Always watch cheque being signed (that cheque has not been pre-signed at home), L - Look out for unusual behaviour (customer copying signature slowly from card), E - Examine card and cheque, R - Remember the rules, T - Take card and feel it Filmed by Wadlow Grosvenor International Running Time: 12 mins

late 1980s

Introduction to M&S stores for French colleagues, including background to M&S heritage, UK and international stores. Produced by Regis Deruelle for Marks & Spencer. Duration: 0:17:25

Apr 1987

Explains M&S breast screening programme. Includes footage of mobile units and of the screening process. This film includes footage of breasts and breast examinations. Produced for M&S by the Audio-Visual Teaching Department of St Bartholemews Hospital Medical College. Duration 0:07:08

n.d.[early 1980s]

Bromley customers opinions on new store layout. Running Time: 2m 35s 2 copies

18 Nov 1985

Introduces history of Brooks Brothers and background to their manufacturing. The second part of the film focuses on guidance, rules and benefits for new employees. Duration 0:22:03

n.d. [1990s]

Held at the Cumberland Hotel, London 21-22 Sep 1994 with delegates from store, Head Office management, suppliers and eight focus groups from across the country. Introduction by Keith Oates (Deputy Chairman and joint MD) who focuses on partnerships and huge potential to grasp opportunities. M&S has fifth highest profits of any retailer in the world. Computer technology is increasing and the M&S international supply base is envy of retailers around world. The key challenge is to develop supply base and sustain international business. Also includes: Andrew Stone (joint MD) on how we can successfully fulfil customers' desires. Brian Godbold (Divisional Director) on product strategy. Jim Stokes (Divisional Director) on garment construction and manufacture. He states that M&S is a world leader on colour management. Projected sales of £280m of ladies lingerie before Christmas. Gary McCracken (joint MD) on food sales last year representing 40% of company's turnover. 800 new lines were introduced this year in loose produce and introduction of new spend and save initiative. Joe Rowe (Divisional Director) on developing bigger food sections with an increase of 100,000 sq feet added in stores. Discusses expected sales in run-up to Christmas. Peter Salsbury (joint MD) on Stores, Systems and People. Talks of expanding edge of town stores and how 40 million people across the country will soon be within a 40 minute drive of a store. Large investment in the north west by footage development, modernisation & commitment to high street. New point of sale system was to be introduced plus electronic mail, as well as changes in Training and Development. Keith Oates on overseas business sales and profits. With video link to Chris Littmoden (Executive Director) in Canada who spoke about the international franchise group. Video report from Asia with Paul Smith (Executive Director). Sir Richard Greenbury also speaks towards the end of the session. After the conference, the delegates were to visit Marble Arch to sample new lines in food, see new merchandise and compare notes. Running Time: 38m 12s 3 copies


Business Conference held at Grosvenor House with an introduction by Martin Van Zwanenberg. Deputy Chairman Keith Oates outlines the focus of the conference is to include looking at product, property, systems, suppliers and people. This is followed by the footage also catalogued separately at P10/1/31. Running Time: 1hr 33m 12s


Food Division Section featuring Managing Director Guy McCracken. Speaks on subjects including commitment to quality, avoiding price wars. Examples include strawberries, cherries, Aberdeen Angus programme and Scotbeef. Policy on raw material procurement including and professorship at Cambridge University, feature on traceability and Select Farm scheme. Features on Peninsula Pigs pork breeding programme, recent improvements to frozen fish range. Work on value including Lower margins to price milk more competitively; Outstanding Value programme, Bin End wine sale, 99p price points. Innovation including Thai ranges, novelty chicken nuggets, Light & Crisp pastry products, Homestyle pasta products. Improved products including working with Anton Mosimann on fruit crumbles. Local demand and regionality for products like soda farls and range for the North East including stotties. New cakes including Manchester United cake, pineapple tarts. Section focusing on cake and desserts including patisserie range with supplier Avana looking at development of Tarte Tatin and Sacher Torte, Opera Gateau, featuring Albert Roux. Preview of Christmas food range. Focus on friendly speedy service including at Cardiff and Newcastle stores. Focus on customers coming by car, takeaway options and home delivery. Section on marketing foods with examples from marketing campaigns such as Food and Wine Club, competition packages. Plans for the next year including 'extraordinary' campaign. International Food ranges and local labelling developments. New food store layouts including development of sandwich shops and flowers, takeaway ice cream fridges. High street strategy. Fast Foods including sandwiches and Moorgate Sandwich Shop. Other takeaway food developments. Opening of new city centre 'restaurants'. Flower shop developments including prototype at Croydon for temperature controlled environment. Improvements in bread including bakery at Bromley. Quality values in visiting supplier factories. Duration: 1h 10m 18s


Session takes place at the Cumberland Hotel and focuses on General Merchandise. Led by Andrew Stone. Shows financial figures for general merchandise and includes slides with specific figures and images. Don Trangmar discusses technological development and innovations: includes an old M&S advertisement, discusses new materials and technologies such as non-iron shirt material, and includes a video report showing the new bureau of standards. Various speakers discuss product development while clothing items are shown on models. Examples of hypoallergenic materials in bedding and wool products as well as climate control and sun-safe clothing. Examples of product development including redeveloping core ranges, developments in wool clothing and dying technology as well as the rise of casualwear with developments in denim. Includes video report with financial estimations and new lingerie and shapewear. Discusses development of school-wear both in the UK and internationally. Includes video showing dancers wearing lycra M&S tights. Discusses hosiery and shoe-wear sales and developments, as well as toiletries, jewellery and sportswear. Development of kitchen furnishings are discussed. Includes video report on use of characters in childrenswear and creating an M&S character. Various speakers discuss customer focus, highlighting better communication and availability. Discusses new size management system for better fits. Discusses catalogue including homeware and schoolwear. Discusses M&S magazine as form of communication. Includes Christmas video showing the desired profits. Running Time: 1:18:24


Speakers include Keith Oates, film update on M&S Financial Services, future of internet and catalogue shopping include screenshots of M&S website. Other uses of technology shown including interactive screens for bra advisors instore, videoconferencing, in-store CCTV. International segment on stores in Paris, Germany, Brooks Brothers in USA, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand. Development of local supply bases in Asia. Franchise expansion in Europe, Dubai, South America and India. Followed by Richard Greenbury speaking to close the conference. Duration: 1h 29m 40s


Equipment handling, Training

9 Jan 1990

Compilation of news programmes discussing M&S' Chairman's Pay Award for Sir Richard Greenbury and his heading of a CBI committee for excessive executive pay-rises. Brief mention on Channel 4 News at 7pm June 21st. BBC News at 9pm includes footage of MP Gordon Brown discussing the pay award and comparisons to other company's pay increases, mentions M&S annual report. ITV News at 10pm includes report from Adrian Britton that has footage of MP Nick Harvey and MP Gordon Brown discussing the issue. Mentions Ed Wallace of PowerGen. BBC News at 10:30pm continues discussion. Mark Mardell reports on the issue, including clips from parliament and interviews with MP Gordon Brown and Roderick Nye. Labour's Andrew Smith and Conservative's Tim Yeo discuss the issue. BBC News at 6am June 22nd continues discussion, including interviews with MP Tim Yeo and John Monks. Next clip is from BBC News, includes interview footage with Andrew Smith and MP David Shaw. ITV News at 7am continues discussion, with footage of Gordon Brown. Sky News at 10am continues discussion including footage of Gordon Brown. Rory Cellan-Jones reports for BBC News at 12:30pm, compares pay to footballer Dennis Bergkamp. Interviews Gill Nott on the topic. ITV News at 12:30pm continues with report from Mark Webster. Sky News at 2pm concludes the clips with interviews with the London public. Running Time: 37m

Jun 1995

French version of P10/1/144. Presenter is Thierry James Lawson. Running Time: 17m

Sep 1998

German version of P10/1/144. Presenter is Frido Ruth. Running Time: 16m

Sep 1998

Spanish version of P10/1/144. Presenter is Isabel Caballero Perez. Running Time: 15m

Sep 1998

Irish version of P10/1/144 (in English). Presenter is Connor Byrne. Running Time: 14m

Sep 1998

Begins with footage of a family, featuring St Michael crockery. Discusses benefits of using credit to improve standard of living. Sue Cook presents information on the Chargecard and how transactions are handled using EPOS and ESPOS. Footage from Chester of Chargecard operations and of Chargecard factory. Discussion of planned move of St Michael Financial Services to new headquarters and footage of computers in use. Interview with Pat Rose, Financial Services, about Chargecard eligibity, how monthly statements, payments and interest works and what to do in the case of a lost card. Customers' views on Chargecard. Partly filmed at Oxford store Interference at 03:06-10, 03:33 and intermittently throughout. Duration: 0:10:41


Footage of speech in front of the canal boat and the launch of said boat. Footage of a reception and speech at Beauchamp Lodge for its opening. Footage of the ribbon cutting at Great Ormand St Hospital, including Lord Rayner receiving a tour. Footage of opening reception and speech by Lord Sieff at Lisson Gardens, 1984. Running Time: 13m 33s


Slideshow of the new M&S store at Cheshunt Duration 7 mins, 15 secs

23 Feb 1988

Children's Promise Final Hour campaign for donating one hour's pay to the charity. To be played on a loop. Duration: 51s.


Assorted video trailers for films and shows available to purchase as DVDs from M&S. Running Time: 22m (footage is looped)


Slideshow of Christmas merchandise. Includes pot pourri, fragranced textiles, photo frames and clocks. Running Time: 19m 17s


Tongue in cheek video with humorous sketches about internal issues including Michael House building issues, personal shopping, travel budget, model staffing. Produced in aid of Cancer Research, produced by The Edge. Duration: 0:13:43


Describes M&S supplier Coats Viyella's response to fluctuations in consumer demand and changing market pressure. Mainly filmed in the Coats Viyella factory, showing garment manufacture processes. Coats Viyella pioneered quick response manufacturing in the UK. Discusses their approach, based on small modular units, and team working. Describes previous long production lines and long processes. Th new quick response process involves smaller horseshoe shape lines, with slower machines but more highly skilled machinists. Describes changes in culture with piecework abolished. Shift to making stock for sale not for the warehouse, with fewer items being works in progress. Shows change in factory setup to facilitate this. Discusses outcome of increased ability to response to volatile market. Sales team can response quickly by altering sizes and colours. Describes planning processes and principles of team working, with less supervision required on factory floor - meaning more time for staff development. Ends with interview with Clinton Silver, Deputy M&S Chairman, describing cultural and commercial impact. Running Time: 06:54


Produced by the Training and Development Department of M&S, WSTV. Presented by Maggie Philbin and filmed in Slough food handling factory and its store. Describes the making and distribution of a lasagne chilled ready meal through 8 different 'links'. Link 1: the suppliers with an emphasis on hygiene, food quality and safety. Link 2: Delivery, with safety checks and temperature checks. Link 3: Depot, more temperature testing (2c perfect temperature). Link 4: Distribution. Link 5: Reception. Link 6: Cold room, emphasis on the food dates and the cold store temperatures. Link 7: the sales floor (Slough), Maggie interviewing the food assistants there. Told about the workings of the fridges, the perfect way to stack the shelves and present the food. Link 8: the customer, emphasis on getting the food from store to home fridge/freezer as soon as possible. Runing Time: 15mins 53

20 Jul 1989

5 x 10s commercials for the 'A Time To Celebrate' campaign. Running Time: 1m 21s

14 Jan 2000

Company review with dubbed Hebrew translation. Duration: 17m 14s.


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