Object Type: Folder
In Folder: 4 - Customer Publications
The Marks and Spencer Magazine Xmas 1932; Back of front cover 'Buttercup' ware Tea set complete (21 pieces), Cup and saucer 9d Tea plates; P.4 Full page advertisement on the reasons to buy goods at Marks and Spencer - amazing value, satisfaction guaranteed Direct from the manufacturer to the public Over 20 departments central to the advertisement - 96% British goods; P. 6 Marspen Vulbank travel goods eg Extra strong, large capacity case; P. 9 Rowntree's chocolate plain York, motoring, melt; P. 12 Slippers in all varieties 'every pair English-made'; P. 14 'A page of wonderful gifts' St Michael chemical sets, St Michael electrical set, St Michael table tennis set, St Michael conjuring sets, Diabolo; The actor's outfit, 'An all-British-Christmas 'specially manufactured for Marks and Spencer by a firm with 'a high reputation', P. 16 Siro watches, clocks, pocket watch, clock, ladies' and gents' wristlet watches; P. 18 Family board game 'Witch Ellwyn Stakes' sold only at M & S; P. 20 'Sitex' watches at all branches of M & S; P. 22 Kemps' biscuits and cakes 'true economy', 'the highest quality at the lowest possible price'; P. 24 The 'Hawk' low wing monoplane only from M & S, P. 24 Art:- silk and Crepe de Chine handbags silk Mare bag, Crepe de Chine bag, P. 28 St Michael Wear for men and boys - made in England, Men's trousers, Boys' tweed suits, P. 30 Viking toys - teddy bear, pedal car, desk and chair, British-made; P. 32 Rubber footwear, Wellingtons, plimsolls, tennis shoes, play balls made by Dunlop; P. 34 'The new singing 'yo-yo' top; P. 36 'The new uplift brassieres', St Michael corsetry, P. 38 St Michael corsetry 'An eminent medical authority recently stated that ill-fitting corsets are injurious to health; in view of this we guarantee that every St Michael corset is designed to ensure perfect fitting; P. 41 'Summer Garden' and 'Blue Bird' tea sets 'All pieces are matchable and can be obtained in every Marks and Spencer store at any time.'; P. 42-43 Marks and Spencer lingerie, Marks and Spencer women's and girls' fashions, Artificial Suede crepe blouse 'Mayfair' Princess slip, 'All garments illustrated above are British-Made throughout'; P. 44 English bone china teasets 21 pieces; P. 46 Books for boys and girls. Fairy Tale Series etc, 'Everything that Shakespeare ever wrote' in one volume, Odol solid dentifrice with free picture book, Stylish umbrellas; see the name 'St Michael' inside each umbrella; P. 49 Meadow Chocolate ½ lb block, Made for Marks and Spencer Ltd by a leading British manufacturer, Maclean's Hydrogen Peroxide - 'How to become an Ash-Blonde stop Tom's nose bleeding and clean that tea cloth', 'Spring-Joy' all seasons underwear for men, women, boys and girls; P. 50 Marks and Spencer's wonder selection of British and Dutch- grown bulbs and roots; P. 52 St Michael Junior Wear; combination pram set etc, 'Konni' umbrellas. The British-made umbrellas that are better-made. Ladies' chubby 3/11. Ladies' walking length "only obtainable at Marks and Spencer's stores", 'Field's lavender values'. Lavender solidified brilliantine. Field's lavender toilet soap. Field's lavender toilet powder; P. 54 "British Soft Toys obtainable only at Marks and Spencer's stores." Scottie Junior, Rip etc, Nestle's Chocolate. ½ bar of milk chocolate ½ bar of milk chocolate with fruit and nuts; P. 56 Lightning fastener 'A slender strip of silver or gold, the lightest , most pliable zip-type fastener made'. Sole British manufacturer - Lightning Fasteners Ltd Birmingham; P. 58 Mackintosh's Carnival Toffee Tins; P. 60 "Hammock" - tonic shirts, tennis shirts, hiking shirts and shorts. Pyjamas for men and boys; P. 62 "Prestige" wrist watch; mens' and ladies', P. 64 'Trix' model maker metal construction kits for boys, Box of Trix 'Tricy Trix,. Can build scientific electric models at all Marks and Spencer; P. 66 Five wonderful annuals for boys and girls, Mickey Mouse, Bobby Bears etc; P. 66 'Dry clad' umbrellas only at Marks and Spencer, Leather cases. British-made satchels (no maker); P. 68 Range of knitting and crochet wools, chenille and art silk, St Michael brand M & S stores 'all over the country'; P. 70 Cussons' Olde English Lavender gift sets; P. 74 Special offer of "La Claire" pearls Only at M & S; P. 76 'Littoria' shirts and pyjamas for men; P. 78 Gold plated shaving outfit and 3 blades. Razor set by 'Marspen'; P. 80 'Camelia' sanitary towels and belts and free book 'Things a woman wants to know but doesn't want to talk about; P. 82 Newey's hooks and eyes, hair grips for permanent waves snap fasteners; Front of back cover 'Tango Ware' tea sets, coffee cups and saucers, 21 piece tea sets, Tea pots; Back cover 'Broadcast' and Imperial records 10 inch and nine inch 'bird singing'. 2 copies.
December 1932
Products Advertised to be sold by Marks and Spencer. Back of front cover; Cadbury's 1d Bars of Milk and Dark Chocolate; P. 6 Over 20 departments stocking ladies' and children's drapery, men's and boy's wear, fancy goods, footwear, household, hosiery, gramophone records, confectionery, toilet, lighting, toys, haberdashery, millinery, china, enamel, and aluminium ware, stationery, special toys and gift section; P. 10 Children's books, children's toys Peter Penguin, Fluffiduck, teddy; P. 14 Sitex sports watches; P. 15 How to get two pounds worth for a pound, Tennis kit for a lady: Tennis frock, Hat Blazer, Stockings, Shoes, Princess slips, Knickers; For the children: Matinee coat, Baby's frock, Cot blanket, Blouse suit, Cotton frock, Knickers and Petticoat, Socks, Hat; P. 17 For a smart girl: Coat, Skirt, Jumper, Stockings, Hat, Handbag; P. 18 'St Margaret and Nelson ' name or trade mark; P. 22 Lifebuoy soap; P. 24 Mackintosh's Toffee de Luxe; P. 26 Camelia sanitary towels, Camellia belt; P. 16 The School Outfit: Gym slip, 2 blouses, 1 blazer, 2 pairs of socks, 1 pair of shoes,1 pair of gym shoes, Men's Clothing: Grey trousers, Shirt with 2 collars, Tie Gloves, Socks, Slip over, Mixed Purchases: Grey flannel suit, Twill shirt, Vest, Trunks, Shoes, 2 pairs of golf hose, Belt, Tie, Braces, Cap, Knickers; P. 17 The Seaside Budget, Bathing costume, Bathing costume, 2 Turkish towels, Bathing cap, Pair of shoes, Beach costume, Cushion, Wedding Presents, 21 piece English bone China tea set, Table, Axminster rug, For the Traveller, Leather bag, Suit case, Hat box, Travelling rug, Working Girl's Purchases, Macintosh, Umbrella, Corsets, Shoes, Gloves; P. 31 Rowntree's chocolate bars, Rowntree's 4 centre cream tablet, The Hawk long wing, Monoplane, Rogalls' raspberry and vanilla nougat, Speed antiseptic; P. 34 Nestles' milk chocolate, Marspen Paints, Stains and Enamels, Oil paint, Varnish paint, Art enamel, Grate enamel; P. 38 'Daisy, Daisy' gowns and frocks 'Daitenese' under and outer slumber wear, D'azonian interlock under, outer and slumber wear; P.44 Marspen Travel Goods. Compressed fibre expanding suit cases; P. 46 Kemp's biscuits and cakes; P. 48 St Michael wear for men and boys, Flannel trousers, Boy's flannel knickers, Youth's flannel trousers, Boy's flannel suits, Men's heavy navy Melton trousers, men's tweed trousers, Youth's tweed trousers, Boy's navy serge knickers, Boy's tweed knickers and Boy's tweed suits; P. 50 Giant cartons 26 ozs of pure soap, pale primrose and carbolic soap flakes, Sharp's toffees, Maclean's peroxide toothpaste, Dry clad umbrellas pure cotton taffeta, Pure art silk; P. 52 British and Dutch grown bulbs (on sale from the 3rd week in August) 'at remarkably low prices' Marks and Spencer' Wonder Selection; P.54 Siro watches and clocks pocket watches, alarm clocks, Boudoir clocks, watches; P.56 Pretty Frocks for Summer Wear 'These costumes can be bought at all Marks and Spencer stores' No price; P.58 La Claire Pearls and Novelty Jewellery Diamond cut crystals, Diamante Necklet, Silver rings 'On sale only at Marks and Spencer'; P. 58 'Konni umbrellas The British -made umbrellas are better made'; Gents' umbrellas, Ladies' umbrellas Only obtainable at M & S,'Bones' The M & S popular, (toys) Scottie, Sandy, Ting-a-ling; P. 59 Ideal Childrens' Summer Outfits (Illustration of children wearing these); P. 60 Viking toys (British made), Viking Scooters, Viking pedal car,Viking speed boats; P. 62 Drummer Dyes ' You wash dainty garments at home; why not freshen up their colours', Cascaphone Jam Pot Covers 'guaranteed Tasteless and Odourless', Palmolive soap a tablet made in Canada, Caley's Famous Marching Chocolate 'The finest plain chocolate ever made'; P.66 Stratford -on - Avon Aluminium Ware All Marks and Spencer aluminium ware is made by NC Joseph Ltd Stratford-Upon-Avon, Finest Quality Warwickshire Garden Produce Canned vegetables and gooseberries Ask your grocer for them; P. 68 Staffordshire Pottery 'of remarkable quality in charming designs' tea sets; P. 70 Cussons' Shaving Soap Cussons' Dentifrice, Spring-Joy interlock underwear for women and men boys and girls Mars' automatic one hand lighter Obtainable exclusively at all branches of Marks and Spencer ltd; P. 72 Lambert Howarth and Sons Ltd Shoes and slippers, Rossendale Lancashire, Men's leather slipper Ladies' felt slipper Children's leather sandal; P. 73 Kiora Lemon or Orange Drink; P. 74 Peacocks' famous 'Welbeck' jig saw puzzles; Walls' ice cream; P. 76 Odol solid dentifrice, British-made Crockery 'Sets from the Five Towns of North Staffordshire'; P. 78 Marspen Razor Set All British products; P. 81 Dunlop Rubber Company Ltd Rubber footwear, Wellingtons, plimsolls, tennis shoes, play balls
Summer 1932