Object Type: Folder
In Folder: 2 - Staff Magazines
Subjects include: A new experiment in office procedure; Your comments noted, Catering Special: Merchandising; Floor Supervisors' Special: folding clothes; Tills.
Feb 1948
Subjects include: Another aspect of labour turnover; Variety is the spice of the canteen; Holidays; Medical section; Training News Bulletin No 31/10; Facts about training; From schoolgirl to S/A; A store has a fashion parade; Floor Supervisors' special - straight from school and still half a school girl; Catering special, ideas for display; Childrenswear.
Jun 1949
Subject includes: Talent spotting; Store staff analysis; Repair of spectacles broken in the store; Meeting for back-room girls; Training News Bulletin No 32/11; Changing times [end of clothing coupons]; Are people more 'choosy?
Aug 1949
Subjects include: Departmental management; Don't waste your experts; Occupational health; There's more in food than meets the eye; Training News Bulletin No 33/12; Market research; Table clearing is such a personal job; The impressions of a new employee; Knitted underwear; Window Displays; Salesmanship. Includes leaflet on checking measurements of Utility garments
Sep 1949
Subjects include: Organising to meet the demand; Leaving interviews; New markets for M&S goods; Training News Bulletin No 34/13; Checking lists; Till errors.
Nov 1949
Subjects includes: Wages; The Floor Supervisor; Medical section; Houseproud; The canteen in summer; Training News Bulletin No 24/3; Happy Birthday; Training for self-service; From across the Channel; Is you noticeboard noticed? Ice cream special, Floorwalkers' Special - Holiday wardrobe.
Jun 1948
Subjects include: Wages; Very human relations!; Staff shops; Medical section; Training News Bulletin No 25/4; Wastage; The extra 12 [coupons]; Out with the old, in with the new; Cool as a cucumber; Why have prices gone up? (references removal of Government subsidy of Utility cloth); Catering special: Salads; Labour turnover; Cleaning products.
Jul 1948
Subjects include: Time and place; Small things to remember; Restrooms; Export; Autumn menus; Training News Bulletin No 26/5; Training the potential staff manageress; Customer service; Floor Supervisors special; Corsetry fitting; Childrenwear; Electrical counter.
Sep 1948
Subject include: The Staff Manageress and store hygiene; Electricity cuts; Textile Laboratory exhibition; Prevention is better than cure; Training News Bulletin No 27/6; Training temporary staff for Christmas; Christmas services; Colour for a change; Picture strips; Glove facts; Gift ideas.
Nov 1948
Subjects include: The Welfare Committee; Women at work; Medical section; Cleaning products; Head Office Social Society; Training News Bulletin No 28/7; Two Managers look at training; Training seen from a different angle; Guide to Floor Supervisors' training; Staff management in catering; Sugar rationing; Floor supervisors' special; Store quiz; Round the office.
Jan 1949
Subjects include: Staff Manageress duties; Suggestions scheme; Training News Bulletin No 29/8; Floor Supervisors' meetings; Courtesy counts; The new spring hats; Floor Supervisors' special, When a Man Goes Shopping.
Mar 1949
Subjects include: Personnel and Welfare Manual; Staff Manageress's office; Why not paper sculpture?; Medical section; Training News Bulletin No 30/9; Head Girls; Seaside stores; Stimulating interest in service; Floor Supervisors' special; Checking lists; Catering special.
Apr 1949
Subjects include: Holidays; Comings and goings; Library news; Qualified mobility; Medical service queries; Supply and demand; Something personal, Canteen Special; Training News Bulletin No 23/2; Fruit information leaflet.
Apr 1948